Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Specialized Types of Photography

This article is about various types of specialized photography.

Photography and camera is an indispensable part of modern living. The number of people who has never taken a photo or touch a camera before is very low. Camera has also evolved tremendously. It seems only not too long ago that digital SLR cameras are a luxury. During those days, there are only traditional film typed cameras. Nowadays, digital compact and SLR cameras are the norm. Now, traditional SLR and compact cameras are things and products of the past.

Photography is much more than just for shooting scenery when one is on vacation. It has many specialized usages and applications. Below listed are some of the more specialized applications of photography and cameras:

1. Underwater Photography. This is not only a specialized type of photography, it is also a highly demanding one. The photographer needs to be a good scuba diver, swimmer and photographer all at the same time. Such a person is very hard to come by. Special equipments are also required for this type of photography.

2. Dental Photography. This type of photography is used by dentists. Like underwater photography, special equipments is need for this type of photography.

3. Jewelry Photography. This is the photographing of jewelries in the most appealing and stylish manner. It is often a type of advertising photography. The photographs of jewelry are often used in advertising and promotional publications and materials. This is also a form of product photography.

There are many more types of specialized photography. However, their coverage is not within the scope of this article.

Thank you for reading.