photos via pinterest
It's Summer which means (for some like me) Epic make-up meltdowns and make-up landslides in times when you need your make-up to stay put the most! I'm not talking about the beach or festivals but serious business! I'm talking DATING! (okay I have had Fashion Week make-up meltdowns too) The Summer Beauty rules of engagement are quite simple; less is more and to protect but these two are a bit more harder when you are going on a date with a possible mr. Perfect (where you really want to slather on make-up) and are about to have diner and drinks in daylight and yes the full sun! And is it just me or do alcohol+diner+excitement/nerves help to looking like being hit with a sledgehammer after 4 hours or so?
Anyway it was time to investigate and to go deep on finding Summer Beauty secrets, these are my favorite tutorials and tips thus far!
1) Lauren Conrad
Lauren's Beauty secrets are really the 10 commandments when it comes to the Summer! Her tips on priming and going sheer on the foundation are not to mess with!
2) Beat the Heat
The beauty department hits the nail on the head when it comes to make-up meltdowns! The foundation is often the one to make the slide and the one that needs to stay put!
3) Kayture
Kristina's beauty secret post is delicious! The summer glow reached is perfect and I'm really dying to try these!